Thursday, July 8, 2010

On to the indigenous people

We've moved our studies over to the indigenous/forgotten people of Mexico. We haven't had a chance to visit a community yet but hopefully we will. I think that experience would add a face to the facts, theories and policies we've discussed. Learning about these people, their history, culture and suffrage, has got me thinking. Pretty much everyone here, known as mestizos or mixed blood, can trace their ancestry to an indigenous tribe and for that they are proud. Whenever I tell anyone that I'm studying the history of the Mexican people they invariably tell me about the amazing history of this country and its people. However, when you look at the treatment and politics towards the indigenous you'll notice that they are a marginalized people who have essentially been pushed to the limits of society. Their national politics are similar to the policies that have been created by our government towards the native Americans. However, very few Americans consider themselves natives. It seems like they appreciate their heritage but see them as a problem preventing them from being a completely "civilized" society. Basically they treat the indigenous similarly to the way that they were originally teated during the colonization by the Spaniards.

Off to NYC for Marc's wedding!

Highlight of the trip so far: yesterday I skipped out of class with 2 of my new buddies and played in a 6 v 6 soccer game with a bunch of mexican guys in a torrential thunder storm. They kept calling me Donovan which I think might actually be a complement after this world cup. Victory!

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